Friday, January 11, 2008

Some Christmas photos

For those very few of you out there who still are paying attention whenever I share a brief moment from my life (and thank you!) here are a few pictures of loved ones from Christmas, a time of amazingly wonderful relaxation and very pleasant times with family. We were able to leave work entirely behind us and just enjoy being with the Huz's family. The little girls, of course, made the visit exceptionally fun, and as usual his sister and her husband were consummate hosts. Simple foods, no pressure to do things, and lots of time with the kids for us. We were able to spend 4 days with them, while other family members zipped in for a shorter period. Simba was a perfect little gentleman, I'm proud to say, so well behaved that he earned an invitation to stay with them for three weeks in April if the Huz and I do what we're thinking of doing and head off for a train trip all around the country!

So I'll start with my peaceful little doggie, asleep in my arms. Aww!

Listening intently ... (nope, this isn't the Huz)

A peacock on Christmas?? Yup, visiting from the neighbor's. He was skittish as heck, had a hard time getting good shots, but this one shows off his roadrunner style nicely!

A perfect little princess with a brand new tiara

Hair straightened (as best curly hair can be) and brand new sparkly shoes on. Life is good.

Happy, silly twins


Someone said...

Nice pictures! Beautiful girls. :)

Barbara said...

Glad to see you back! Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas.

I bet the girls will just spoil Simba rotten if they have him for three weeks!