Monday, August 13, 2007

cloudy monday #16

My cloudy Monday posts have been few & far between of late (as have all my posts). Maybe you haven't missed them, but I have! This shot was taken across a vacant lot at the top of our hill on a stormy day late in spring. I got a series of shots that I'm ready to show you, Monday by Monday. This one is, I have to say, my favorite. Love the way the light comes from the top right across the clouds.

I'm at a conference in Orlando, staying at a really amazing resort called Universal Portofino Bay. It's modeled after a village on the Italian Riviera and it is possibly the nicest hotel I've ever stayed at. Not that I'm a frequenter of Ritz-y hotels, but back in my consulting days I did get to stay at some nice places. But this one takes the cake. The website doesn't do it justice.

There's a side of me that winces a little ... I can't help but think of the poverty I've seen in Haiti, India, Mexico, the Philippines ... but it's also certainly a pleasure to experience such comfort and attentive service.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pic above. Love it. Glad to read that Simba is doing great! Yay! Continue to have fun at your conference.


Anonymous said...

Hi, you wrote:amazing resort called Universal Portofino Bay. It's modeled after a village on the Italian Riviera.."

Have you any pics about it?
We are the official turistic site of portofino. Will be nice to see it.
