Tuesday, August 29, 2006

not-contest #5 recap

A belated recap of the recent caption not-contest. We had just a few entries; either my choice of pictures wasn't very inspiring this time, or it's the summer vacation doldrums for the contest. But the responses we did get were very fun! Thanks, everyone, for participating.

Here is our contest and the recap:
Can you help Simba express himself? He clearly has something very important on his mind ... what do you suppose he is muttering to himself? Or what will he say when he lifts his head and looks you right in the eye?

Eva engaged three-year-old Acadia's creative input and got the following:
He's eating leaves and grass and saying "Woof, woof!" to the sky.


Like that.
Barbara (Biscuit Girl) said...

"Ok, if I remember correctly, the bone I buried last month is four paces from the back porch, then ten paces east towards the trees. Aha, is this the spot?!"

Lynne said...

"Oh yeah, this smells like the perfect spot. I would look absolutely majestic lying here amongst the dandelions."

Stew said...

"Ooo a nice smelly spot to roll in!

Mom doesn't like it but she can't see me, right?"

(wrong, Simba, Mom's taking the picture, remember? Bad dog!)
And here's my entry:
"Gee, I'm not sure, but I don't think I'm doing too well at this bomb-sniffing class. I've been sniffing all day and haven't found a single one. Just that funny-looking piece of metal over there ... boring!"

Previous caption not-contests:
#4 roundup
#3 roundup
#2 roundup
#1 roundup

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