Friday, October 06, 2006

a quick hello

I've not much time for posting today, but it's been a couple days so I thought I'd give you a quick update. I had two busy, exhausting days Wednesday and Thursday, with none of it accomplishing anything work-wise, so today I've had to spend most of the day getting caught up on paid work. Tonight we kick off the second weekend of the play. We got an absolutely delicious review from the local critic, although she wasn't very critical. I don't know if she's always this positive, but we sure did appreciate the two long columns of raves!

Here's what she said about me, specifically. I've left out last names to protect the innocent.
Two newcomers, who are welcome and happy surprises, have joined OCCT. As one of the pretty girlfriends, PatL has a complex role: seductive and glamorous to the hilt, she is also serious about getting the bachelor to tie the knot with her, and so must be quick-witted without ever sacrificing her charm. PatL succeeds moment by difficult moment with unwavering aplomb.
Seductive! Glamorous! Charm! Aplomb!


P.S. Remember the woman that I told you is stealing the show every night? Here's what was said about her:
As the mother, PatJ is hardly less than a bomb that bursts almost constantly with comic action. Neil Simon must have had a blast when he wrote her lines, and even he would double with laughter if he got to see PatJ deliver them or watch her stagger across the stage in deepest despair and pathos. She's absolutely priceless.
She definitely nailed that one!

Still hoping to get some photos for you, but so far I haven't found anyone who's willing. Prayers and crossed fingers gratefully accepted!

Previous posts about the play (in reverse order):
audiences & my "butter me" line
relief, and no stage fright
hoo boy
"hell" week
more theater
reflections on acting
Come Blow Your Horn

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Seductive, Glamourous, Charming... getting a review like that has got to feel nice, you sexy thing! Sounds like things are going great and good luck for week 2!