.. or, technically, tonight, since it's after midnight as I write this. We had our last dress rehearsal tonight. Tomorrow we open before a houseful of senior citizens who get to help us get the rough edges off our show in exchange for half-price tickets. I'm strangely calm. I do feels as if, with the exception of the doggone tap dancing, I know what I'm doing and it's not as if the show is resting on my narrow shoulders. I think I'll have a ball. I know the leads are looking forward to it all.
Rehearsal went well tonight. Tempers flared a bit, and I got caught in the crossfire of one, but by the end of the evening everyone had acknowledged that we're all tired and some of us are tense and we really, really like each other no matter what. We reached out to help each other with fast costume changes, and one sweet guy brought in beautiful yellow roses tinged with orange for each of the women. And Lindt chocolates. What a sweetie he is.
Stage makeup is a little scary to someone like me who wears lots of makeup for the express purpose of looking as if I don't need much, if you know what I mean ... natural is the look I'm shooting for. So I feel incredibly garish with bright pink cheeks and heavy black eyeliner and dark, dark eyeshadow. The most fun part is the false eyelashes. I have to restrain myself from batting my eyes all the time!
I did end up having layers cut into my hair today. I put some intense curls in with my hot curlers, hoping that they could be transformed into finger waves. Instead the stylist piled it on my head in a style that looked vaguely Mickey Mouse-ish to my eye. By the end of night things had shifted around enough that it wasn't so pronounced. She promised me that tomorrow she would try to come up with something that would allow my curls to hang down if at all possible.
I hope I don't regret all these layers when this play is over ... I haven't had great luck with them in the past.
Many people have told me to break a leg. The ironic thing is, I nearly did today, walking around a construction worksite without watching where I was putting my feet!
Well, off to bed for now ... zzzzzzzzzzz
Hey good luck! I can't wait to read how opening night goes!
Good luck! Hope the hair turns out less mickey mouse-ish tomorrow.
Have fun!
Break a leg, kiddo (it seems sacrilege to wish anything else to someone in show biz ;-) )
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